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Xerox® Capture and Content Services

Redefine the way you handle physical and electronic data capture with our Capture and Content Services.

Xerox® Capture and Content Services is a package of capabilities designed to help any organization use information more effectively. Leveraging powerful analytics, we’re able to identify problems and help you tame the massive influx of physical and digital documents you deal with every day.

  • Comprehensive capture tools to automatically capture, classify and catalog key information from paper and digital documents.

  • Using intelligent document processing, extract critical data and insights from unstructured documents and digital content using machine learning and automated document classification.

  • Automate and streamline complex data-intensive business processes.

  • Enhance collaboration with an intuitive browser interface that enables anytime, anywhere access to protected information.

  • Protect sensitive business and customer data and maintain regulatory compliance with fully automated records management.

Take a big step in your digital migration

Leveraging powerful AI and machine learning, you can automatically capture and validate information from digital or physical documents. Take information from any source (including ad-hoc scanning, batch scanning, or captured digital-native) and feed important data and metadata directly into the processes that need it.

Advance your digital transformation, including ECM and CRM integration, and overachieve client satisfaction targets with intelligent information capture management.

By 2026, one third of SMBs will increase investments in automation and digital tools to make up for the shortage of workers and increased labor costs, reduce manual processes, and boost productivity.1

  • What would it mean for your customers if you could spend more time focused on their needs?

  • How could secure remote access to your team promote a culture that retains talent?

  • How could information at your fingertips transform the way you show up for clients?

If your organization is serious about curbing the impact of turnover, serving your customers in real-time, and planning for dynastic longevity, digital transformation is the actionable path to turn your strategic planning into realized returns.

1. IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Small and Medium-Sized Business and Digital-Native Business 2023 Predictions — Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Implications, doc #AP49707422, January 2023

The Digital Conversion Process

The steps to your organization’s digital transformation

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Consultation & Scoping

  • One of our imaging experts will meet with you to gather expectations and project goals. They will thoroughly examine the quantity and condition of all original documents to begin budgetary planning.

  • Basic project instructions and indexing requirements will be outlined.

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Budgetary Proposal

  • After visual inspection, a written proposal will be provided. Options for budgeted monthly billing or one-time project costs are available.

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Project Samples

  • Quality samples of the project will be provided for customer approval prior to executing a project agreement and beginning work in production.

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Execute Project Agreement

  • Both sides sign off on established project deadlines and the expected project effort.

  • Files are boxed up by client or Xerox team (may incur additional cost).

  • Project can be completed on site or off site. If off site, project pick-up date is established.

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Project Kickoff, Production Process and Security Details

  • For onsite or offsite projects, we will hire personnel and establish processes based on your needs.

  • A strict chain of custody and 24/7 surveillance is always maintained for client files.

  • Progress tracking is recorded and available upon request for each project task.

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Digital Delivery

  • Completed work is checked again for quality and delivered via an encrypted external drive, a secure FTP upload, or direct import into a content management database.

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Project Return or Secure Destruction

  • All original files are returned upon file completion.

  • If destruction has been selected, we will wait 60 days after delivery to shred the original documents and provide the client with an affidavit of destruction.

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Project Completion

  • You will receive itemized billing as per the original agreement. Billing may be completed in a single invoice or spread across several months, depending on the project size.

Digital imaging and backfile conversion made easy

Accelerate and simplify your business processes

security and quality control

Security and Quality Control

Securely access content and manage its lifecycle. We follow industry best practices to mitigate security risks, and we provide:

  • Chain of Custody Controls

  • Pickup and Delivery by insured vehicle and personnel

  • Secure Authenticated Shredding

  • In-Progress File Retrieval

  • Scheduled Progress Updates

  • Image and Indexing Quality Controls

  • Operation on a Fortune 200 Regulated Network

Conversion Services

Go digital with your documents to save office space, lower costs, and reduce waste. Our offerings include:

  • On-site and Off-site Solutions

  • Paper to Digital Conversion

  • Wide Format to Digital Conversion

  • Bound Books to Digital Conversion

  • Microfilm to Digital Conversion

  • Negatives to Digital Conversion

  • Microfiche and Aperture Cards Conversion

  • Litigation Discovery Services

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content management

Content Management

Maximize your business potential and improve your workflow with content management, process automation, and sharing made easy.

  • Customized Document Management Platform

  • Systems Integration

  • On-site Technical Support

  • Workflow Automation

  • Data Migration

  • Form Recognition